Here you will find installation, service and operating instructions, planning documents and technical documents for ordering.

Test Specifications for Hose Assemblies

The document is made available on the website of the Berufsgenossenschaft Rohstoffe und chemische Industrie. Click here to download:
• BG RCI T002 (DE)

Operating Instructions for Hose Assemblies

• Operating instructions for hose assemblies (EN)
Operating instructions for hydraulic hose assemblies (DE)

Technical Information

• Chemical resistance list (DE)
• Installation and handling instructions (DE) 

Order form for Hoses by Fax

• Order sheet for hoses (DE)

Thread to nominal size

• Thread to nominal size (DE)

Safe Hose Assembly

• Safe hose assembly (DE) 

Hazard Warnings

Hinweisblatt ReinigungshinweisCleaning recommendation for food hoses

• Cleaning recommendation for food hoses (DE)



 Hinweisblatt Gefahrenhinweis TrinkwasserBerufsgenossenschaftCleaning recommendation for beverage hoses

• Cleaning recommendation for Aquapal (DE)



Hinweisblatt LebensmittelschlaeucheCleaning recommendation for food hoses

• Cleaning recommendation for food hoses (DE)